أنكرت ابنتها من أجل التمثيل.. من هي رائدة الفيلم التاريخي بمصر آسيا داغر عاجل| هجوم عنيف على الولايات المتحدة خلال احتفالات يوم الاستقلال بث مباشر مباراة البرتغال وفرنسا في ربع نهائي أمم أوروبا (0-0) فندق باب القصر يحتفل باليوم العالمي للشوكولاتة متيحًا لضيوفه أجود أنواعها أديب طه حسين: الموتُ أهون عليَّ من ترك باريس عاجل| ارتفاع آخر للحرارة.. بيان هام من الأرصاد المصرية فؤاد وسعاد و«صغيرة ع الحب»! وسام القضاء المصري
Business Middle East - Mebusiness

Najwan Dubayea

Yesterday a Hunter.. Today a Prey

Three photographers who took pictures of Princess Diana and her Egyptian boyfriend, Dodi Al-Fayed, at the time of the accident that took their lives in Paris in 1997, are being tried for invading privacy. The three photographers were accused of taking photos considered inappropriate for the accident victims before and after their deaths among

Eternal Guardianship

In law, the age of majority is the age at which a person can assume legal responsibility for themselves and be granted the rights of an adult, such as the right to marry, have children, vote in elections, and possess a driving license. Most countries in the world set the age of majority at 18, while others set it at 15, 16, 17, and some

Resisting Change in the Seventh Harsha

"Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves..." This great verse came to my mind as I watched the comments of followers of the brilliant series "The Seventh Harsha" on social media pages, witnessing a cocktail of emotions ranging from indignation, condemnation,